
Lots With Water

Water is naturally supplied from mountains that surround our valley. The water source are wells up to 800-feet-deep. The water rises naturally above or near the surface due to the artesian nature of most of the St David Springs wells. The sweet artesian water is elevated to the surface by the hydraulic pressure of an enormous underground lake that originates at the Dragoon Mountains.

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Water is abundant in St David Springs, never worry the water level will get low. St David Springs water is supplied by artesian wells from which water flows under natural pressure to the land surface. This water is elevated to the surface by the hydraulic pressure of an enormous underground lake. Wells that penetrate the clay lens originating at the Chiricahua Mountains produce sweet artesian water. The quality of the flowing artesian wells is excellent, meaning you will never run out of water.

Farm Style Lots

Lifestyle Farm and Ranch lots of St David Springs range in size from 3 to 100 acres. Most lots include private wells on the land.

Artesian Water

Artesian Water

Potable artesian water flows to the surface from its source, 800 feet below and stored above grade at a recharge rate of 250 gallons per minute, ensuring abundant water and consistent pressure.